Parish Vision Update

Being formed in the likeness of Christ we strive to become a truly Christ centred community, through humble witness, love, compassion and communion.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Parish Vision meeting last Wednesday and to those who served refreshments. It was heartening to see such a healthy turnout (over forty people!) and such enthusiastic participation.

Emma is now collating the information which will be fed back to you as soon as possible. The next stage is when we focus on the different groups and we invite those groups to the parish hall (one group per week) to pray, listen and share your thoughts and ideas.

We will try to organise a zoom meeting one evening next week for those unable to attend the meeting in the hall.

Don’t forget what I said to you all on Wednesday evening: constantly ask yourself the why question, e.g. Why have I chosen this group or these groups (Evangelisation, Welfare, Welcome, Marketing, Liturgy or operations)? Why am I excited and energised?

Lastly, thank you for your support especially in your prayers and thanks Tammy for the gluten free cakes.

Have a lovely week.

Fr Steve

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