Parish Update

Over twenty parishioners joined me for the Zoom meeting last Tuesday. I had no idea how many to expect but was delighted with this. There was a lively discussion which produced some good ideas. The next meeting will be in the Hall on Wednesday October 5 at 7.00 pm. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

The work on the heating system is going well. Your patience will soon be rewarded.

 Fr Steve

The departure of the Salesian Sisters from 27 Village Way means that after this week there will no longer be Adoration in their chapel on a Monday evening. It also means an end to their hosting of refreshments after morning Mass on Tuesdays, so there is one more chance for you to gather there with your friends this Tuesday.

Lolly Bell who is the new lead for the Youth Ministry in Bromley will be speaking at the 9.30, 11.00 and 5.30 pm Masses this Weekend.



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