
Changes within our Church: a Reminder

We have received guidance from the English Bishops on how we should proceed within our church as regulations are relaxed.

I am aware that many of our parishioners are still cautious about returning to church so all that we do is with the safety of our parishioners in mind.

There will be little difference immediately and further changes will be announced over the next few weeks

On arrival, you will be asked to self-register or use the QR facility and use the hand sanitiser provided.

Alternate pews will be ‘open’ but there will be cards for you to place on the pews if you wish to maintain distance from the next person.

I would also encourage you to continue to wear a mask in respect for your fellow parishioners.

At the sign of peace, the priest will bow to the congregation who are then invited to respond I the same manner.

Please continue to follow the stewards’ guidance as you go up to receive communion via the side aisles and return to your seat using the centre aisle.

Thank you for helping to keep our church a safe place to worship.

Fr Steve

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