St Edmund’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2020

We are really pleased to learn that Blythswood have their shoebox appeal this year and we will be collecting shoeboxes in the parish again, albeit with a few small changes to how things will have to work within current restrictions.

The impact of Covid 19 in many countries where Blythswood support families has been devastating; the charity’s overseas operations have continued to run throughout this year and shoeboxes will be even more warmly received by recipients than in previous years so please do fill a box (or even two) for us.

You can learn more about the shoebox appeal and see videos of last year’s boxes being distributed on Blythswood’s website.

Because this year we cannot leave the shoebox leaflets at the back of church or ask you to bring boxes to mass, this is how the scheme will be running…

3rd and 4th October – shoebox leaflets will be handed out after weekend masses OUTSIDE the church. Leaflets can also be downloaded by using this link.
Please do consider sharing information about the shoebox collection with family, friends and social media groups– it would be great if we could collect more boxes than ever!
Once you have your leaflet then you can start filling a box, this year drawstring bags are also being accepted – see leaflet for details.

5th October –1st November – filled shoeboxes/bags can be dropped off anytime at 20 Reddons Road, BR3 1LZ. We are also happy to collect your box if you can’t get to us. To arrange a pick up, please contact Susie on 07956 574789.

31st October and 1st November – we will have our car boot open on the church forecourt for 15 minutes before all weekend masses for shoebox collections.


w/c 2nd November – boxes will be taken to the depot so please have any filled boxes with us before 2nd November.

If you would prefer to make a donation to the appeal this year rather than fill a box, you can do this too: click here.

If you have any questions, please call Susie or Lucienne – 07956 574789 / 07884 184534.

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