Join St. Edmund’s on ChurchSuite

Don’t forget to log onto ChurchSuite to keep up to date with the latest parish news, view the calendar of events, make on-line donations, manage GiftAid, keep track of parish correspondence and update your own data.

We use a parish database called ChurchSuite to manage parish data, events and rotas. ChurchSuite allows us to give parishioners self-service access to update your own data and you can access it via a website, our very own App which you can install on your smartphone, or both. If you are already registered then you can access your personal page on the St Edmund’s ChurchSuite site by going HERE.  Please select MyChurchSuite from the dropdown menu.

If you have not already registered you do so by completing the form – click here – to tell us about yourself, your interests and family. This data helps us to keep a running census of our parishioners and will be very useful to ensure we continue to provide a good service to you. It would be great if you can take the time to upload a photograph as it will help the clergy to put a ‘face to the name’. When we receive your information after you completed the form below we will send you details on how to log in and set up your password on the St Edmund’s App. Once you are registered you will be able to update your own records online.

All of the information you provide is confidential and will not be shared with third parties. Your data will only be accessed by clergy and parish office staff for administration purposes. We plan to use email and text message as another way of communicating with parishioners to send you updates on parish matters, such as sending you electronic copies of the newsletter.

With ChurchSuite you will be able to:

  • Keep up to date with Parish news
  • See forthcoming events
  • Make online donations
  • Manage GiftAid
  • Update your own data
  • keep track of your parish correspondence
  • and much more

You will not be able to access MyChurchSuite until you register with St Edmund’s parish.

If you are smartphone user you can download the St Edmund’s App by clicking on the logos below:


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