An Invitation to join our Prayer Fellowship

The Church recommends that we make prayer an important part of our daily lives. Today, with the kind support of Fr. Steve and the Clergy Team, we are launching our Parish Prayer Fellowship which promotes saying a daily prayer for each other. Not only is praying for others our privilege and in some sense our duty, but at times it can be our salvation and a powerful weapon for our spiritual welfare.

What greater gift can we give to each other?

Prayer is a form of communication, a way of talking to God or to the saints. Prayer may be formal or informal. Whilst formal prayer is an essential element of our faith, prayer itself is not synonymous with worship or adoration. Prayer is ‘the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.’….

By prayer we acknowledge God’s power and goodness, and our own neediness and dependence on him. Prayer, and making a habit of prayer, is not only a virtue in itself, but it is essential to our faith, expressing both our reverence for God and our realisation that we should look to him for everything. Prayer expresses faith in God and hope in his goodness. By both, God, to whom one prays, moves the individual to prayer.

Many of us will be able to recall a time when we have felt helpless and unable to help others overcome their difficulties. But we have said a prayer for them which has showed God’s love and comfort for them as well as our empathy with them. In turn, friends who can be of a different faith or even no faith have been grateful for the prayers we offer for them and have found comfort in our intercessions.

How To join our Prayer Fellowship

Everyone is invited to join whether you worship in the church, at home or via the webcam.

By joining our fellowship you commit to include in your daily prayers another member of our parish. In turn someone else will commit to pray each day for you.

Prayer Fellowship cards are at the back of the church. Please take one and fill it in. and on your way out put the card in the box at the back of the Church.

If you are not coming into church at the moment you can email the Parish Office putting Prayer Fellowship in the subject box and including your name and physical address. If you don’t have email please phone the Office on tel: 020 8650 0970, preferably in the afternoon and a card will be completed on your behalf.

The newsletter of 13 February will invite you to pick up a completed card with the name of the person you are to include in your daily prayers.

Thank you to Fr Steve and the clergy team, with special mention to Deacon Sean and the office for their help and support in agreeing to the launch of our Prayer Fellowship.


Prayer Fellowship Team



I would encourage all of you to take the opportunity to join our Prayer Fellowship today. All the clergy team have shown their support already by completing their card.

Fr Steve


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