Christmas Offerings to our Priests

Offerings from all Christmas Masses are your personal gift to our priests.

Many of you have responded to our request to set up Standing Orders for your regular donations to the church and we are so very grateful for this, however, for any gift to reach our priests it has to be marked specifically as Christmas Gift. Unless you make a specific payment at Christmas (and Easter) unfortunately the priests will not benefit.

Please could parishioners who give by standing order or through ChurchSuite, and who wish to give a Christmas Gift to our priests please consider making an online payment marked Christmas Gift or simply put their gift in an envelope marked with their name and address or their Gift Aid number so it can be correctly allocated to the priests and the considerable tax refund reclaimed through Gift Aid for the benefit of the parish.

Christmas gifts can also be made at the contactless payment point at the back of the church.

Give to the Priests securely online here


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