Confirmation Programme

As restrictions ease, plans to prepare our young people to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are being made. Please accept our apologies for the delay in finalising the arrangements and the lack of information. A number of our young people started their preparation back in early 2020. Those of you who registered in 2020 will be receiving an email and will be asked to confirm your registration details. The number of candidates is still a determining factor in any forward planning, so this is necessary for us to know the exact number from the 2020 group still wishing to be confirmed. It is anticipated that approximately six preparation sessions will be organized, either online or in groups, depending on the guidelines then in place, to start in September 2021. The Candidates will then be Confirmed before the start of Advent. For the Candidates of this year, 2021, a course of Preparation to Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will begin in early 2022.

Full details of this course will be announced in the Parish Newsletter nearer the time.

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