Our 300 Club

Thank you to all the 300 Club members: your involvement is invaluable. In 2024 we peaked at 227 members, generating just under £9,000 for the Parish (before deduction of the monthly draws). This funded the refurbishment of the book shop as well as the purchase of new smart and stackable chairs for the Parish Hall, as well as garden furniture for the Hall Garden. The year ended with three lucky winners in the December draw, Jim Lennox who won the first prize of £250, Clare Huijnen who won £100 and Bernadette Lyons who won a beautiful Christmas Hamper.

We are now looking for new projects to fund and if you have any ideas, please email Isabelle, who would be delighted to hear from you.

We have a rough attrition annually of about 10% of members which means that we are starting 2025 with “only” 202 members. Please do consider joining the Club: the annual contribution is £39 for a number and has remained the same for many years; there is a monthly draw when you can win £100, £50 or £25 and a Christmas draw which is the BIG one as mentioned above.

You can collect a registration form at the back of the church or email Isabelle Blake-James if you have any questions.

Let’s make 2025 the best year ever and get to 300 Club Members!

Book your tickets