Clergy Support Fund Second Collection this Sunday

The Clergy Support Fund of the Archdiocese of Southwark provides care for priests in their old age and retirement, and in their time of ill health. A gift to this worthy fund will ensure a dignified retirement for our priests, after they have dedicated a lifetime of service to Christ, His Church and His People.

In 2022, the Clergy Support Fund provided care to 73 retired priests, at a cost of £1.33 million. With the number of priests over the age of 65 steadily increasing, so too will the financial obligation to the Archdiocese.

Please be generous today with a gift to the Clergy Support Fund and continue to keep our priests in your prayers.

Thank you!

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Or: telephone Mon-Fri 9.00 am-5pm: 020 7960 2504
Cash / Cheque – please use the Clergy Support Fund envelopes at the back of church

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