Life lived through the sacraments


“the Sacraments are the place of God’s closeness and tenderness for us. They are the concrete way that God willed to come to meet us, to embrace us, without being ashamed of us and of our limitations” – Pope Francis

​The celebration of the sacraments is at the heart of parish life, of our Catholic Church. God comes to meet us in many ways through the sacraments. We are after all a sacramental people.

‘A sacrament is an outward and visible sign of inward grace’ said St Augustine in the 5th century.  We cannot see the inward grace, or reality, that is conferred by each sacrament, but we can witness the visible sign, which symbolises that reality, that reality being an outpouring of God’s love for us. So, in Baptism, for example, the sign is the pouring of water, and the reality is that we are washed free from sin; in Confirmation, the anointing with oil is a sign which symbolises the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The sacraments mark important milestones in each person’s faith journey and the Church wholeheartedly supports those approaching them.



Infant Baptism

Baptism is the sacrament of initiation, and its effects are profound. The priest pours water over the forehead of the child being baptised. By that sign, he or she is cleansed from sin and adopted as a child of God, the greatest gift which we can share, and a member of Christ’s Church. He or she is sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and given a share in the priesthood of Christ.

If you are reading this section because you are planning to have your baby baptised – congratulations on the birth of your son or daughter! We look forward to welcoming him or her into the Church, and into our parish community.

If you are member of the parish and/or regularly attend Mass at St Edmund’s, we are happy to baptise your child. Baptisms of children are usually celebrated on Sunday afternoons, and occasionally on Saturday afternoons.  Families are also encouraged to consider Baptism within one of the regular weekend Masses, depending on their circumstances and anticipated family attendance.

If you are a member of another parish, you will need the written permission of your own parish priest for the Baptism of your child to take place at St Edmund’s.

The first stage of preparation for the Baptism of a child is to complete an application form, which can be downloaded from the link below and return this to the dedicated baptism email below.  You will be contacted by the baptism team to arrange an initial interview with a member of the clergy team. Depending on the time of year, you may need to give several weeks’ notice for a Baptism. No Baptisms are celebrated during the last two weeks of Lent.  St Edmund’s requires all parents to participate in a Baptism Preparation course so that you understand the commitment that you are undertaking.  The course can also be undertaken before your child is born, recognising the Church’s encouragement to baptise children as early as possible.

The Catholic Church recognises Baptisms celebrated in other mainstream Christian churches. Since Baptism, like Confirmation, can only be received once, you will not be baptised again in the Catholic Church if you have already been baptised in one of those churches.  Please contact us if you would like to discuss progression to the other sacraments within the Catholic church.

⇒Application Form for Infant Baptism



Sacrament of Reconciliation

Usually a priest is available for confessions in the church from 10.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. and between 5.00 p.m. and 5.55 p.m. every Saturday. We have two full penitential services every year at which priests from neighbouring parishes and beyond are invited to assist. The first is held in the season of Advent, and the other during the season of Lent in the run-up to Easter.


First Holy Communion

Children who are in Year 3 or above and live and worship in St Edmund’s Parish are invited to prepare to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

Every child wishing to make their First Holy Communion must sign up for the preparation course for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The course runs approximately twice monthly on Saturday mornings from September until the First Holy Communion Masses are celebrated in May/June.

Registration for next year’s course will open towards the end of the summer term.  Please keep an eye on the Parish newsletter for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email.

The St Edmund’s First Holy Communion Catechism Team


Eucharist or Holy Communion

Not to go to communion is like someone dying of thirst beside a spring” St John Vianney

The Mass is at the heart of our Catholic life, all Catholics have a duty to attend Mass every weekend and on Holy Days of Obligation, this is called the ‘Sunday obligation’.  At St Edmund’s we offer six Sunday Masses (including a vigil Mass on the Saturday evening) providing many opportunities to fulfil this obligation.  If you are unable to attend Mass in person, through illness for instance, then it is possible to watch Mass using our livestream service, however a Catholic who is fit and well is obliged to attend in person.

If illness prevents you attending Mass in person, then Holy Communion can be brought to you by one of our lay ministers of Holy Communion, deacons, or priests.  Please contact the parish office to request a visit.



The sacrament of Confirmation confers the fullness of the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon the confirmed person, completing their initiation into the family of the church.  The St Edmund’s Confirmation Preparation Course is open to children of the parish in Year 9 and above.  It is vital that the candidates have chosen to take this step themselves, with minimal parental coercion.  The young person is committing to deepening their faith in sincerity.

The course runs between February and June each year (we aim to avoid bank holidays and school holidays) and consists of 8 sessions held on Monday evenings – the whole programme will be published prior to the course commencing and full attendance is expected.  An introductory session for parents is held before the course starts and participants are invited to a Mass of Enrolment and a Mass of Commitment during the course before the Confirmation Mass at the end of the course, usually in June depending on the availability of a Bishop to confer the sacrament.

Applications for enrolment on the next course typically open in early December and will be advertised in good time on the website, in the parish newsletter, and at Masses.

Adult Baptised Catholics and other baptised adult Christians who are seeking Confirmation and/or Reception into the Church are encouraged to approach the parish office, or one of the clergy team, to discuss their options.




The Catholic Church recognises the union of two lives as a sacrament and covenant which is modelled upon Christ’s love for His Church. The sacrament of marriage is conferred by husband and wife upon each other in the presence of a priest or deacon and the congregation.

If you are reading this because you have decided to get married – congratulations! There is so much to talk about, both about the practicalities of your wedding day and about preparation for the life-long commitment of marriage. This is why the Archdiocese of Southwark requires at least six months’ notice to be given before your wedding.  If you intend to marry abroad it is recommended to give at least nine months notice.

You must initially contact either a priest or deacon in St Edmund’s parish if you are resident here, regardless of whether the wedding will take place in this parish or elsewhere.

Preparation for marriage is a requirement of the diocese and typically consists of two evening sessions and a Saturday all day class run by the Marriage and Family Life team which address both practical and spiritual aspects of bringing two lives together in a faithful, life-long relationship.

Further details (including dates of courses) are available on the diocesan website: marriage preparation courses



Anointing of the Sick

The Anointing of the Sick was formerly reserved for those who were dying, hence previous names such as ‘Extreme Unction’ and the ‘Last Rites’. Now the Anointing is available not just to those in imminent danger of death, but to those who are seriously ill.

The Anointing of the Sick (sometimes called the ‘Sacrament of the Sick’) is conferred only by a priest and brings spiritual comfort to those who are coping with seriously mental or physical illness, those facing a serious operation, or who may be in danger of death. The priest anoints the sick person with oil on the forehead and on the hands, signifying the strengthening grace of God, giving peace and courage. The priest also lays his hands on him or her as a sign of blessing, healing of the soul and (if that is God’s will) healing of the mind or body.

Please contact the parish priest, Fr Steve, or one of the Assistant Priests if you, or somebody else in our community, are coping with serious illness, or surgery, and are in need of the Anointing of the Sick.


Holy Orders

Ordination is the laying on of hands by a bishop by which men are set aside for sacred ministry as priest or deacon to serve the church.  At St Edmund’s we are blessed that men over the years have responded to the call to vocations as members of the clergy.

If you feel that God is calling you to serve as a priest, modelled on Christ the head of the Church, or as a deacon, modelled on Christ the servant then please contact our parish priest, Fr Steve, for an initial conversation.

Further information is available on the diocesan website: vocations.


A Journey in Faith (RCIA)

The Church welcomes adults interested in learning about the Catholic faith, thinking about becoming Catholic, or baptised adult Catholics who wish to be confirmed.  The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) course is led by a friendly team who will support your ‘Journey in Faith’ within relaxed informal weekly sessions, with occasional workshops.

The current course started on 12th September and will run until June, and those who feel ready will be received into the Church at Easter.