This is a new publication by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales’ Department for International Affairs which articulates our Christian duty to look beyond labels and see the person who has left their homeland in search of a better life.
Bishops' Statement 19 November 2021: Honouring Sunday
During the pandemic, public worship was suspended for a time and there have been restrictions on parish life. As a result, people have been exploring other ways to practice their faith including Spiritual Communion via live streaming. As people begin returning to more regular patterns of parish life and following the first face to face meeting of the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales in Leeds, the bishops have issued the following statement about the importance of honouring Sunday: READ MORE.
SYNOD 2021-2023
Pope Francis has asked the whole Catholic Church worldwide to engage in a process of discernment under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This process is called a synod. It involves everyone in the Church – clergy, religious, and lay Catholics, each participating according to the gifts and charisms of their vocation. We would warmly encourage you to please take part – each of us in the parish doubtless has valuable things to say. Parish consultation is based on the themes and questions prepared by the Archdiocese of Southwark and will take the form of a short survey followed by two in-person parish meetings (covid permitting), and a zoom meeting for those unable to attend an in-person meeting.
For more information and to provide your input please visit our dedicated SYNOD PAGE.
'Rerum Novarum'
In May 1891 Pope Leo XIII published an encyclical with the Latin title Rerum Novarum, the first papal document to address the issue of the plight of industrial workers, which was the subject of a conference in May 2021. The letter was a key stage in the development of Catholic Social Teaching. This international conference looked at the theology and historical background of what Pope Leo wrote and its continuing importance. The letter shows the Catholic community beginning to engage with the ‘world of work’, and this tradition has developed so much in the last 130 years; the conference also looked at these changes.
More information on the conference is available here.
If you are interested in the conference, please contact Fr Ashley by email for more information.
To read the encyclical letter (PDF) click here.
'Fratelli Tutti'
Published in October 2020, the Pope's most recent encyclical letter, Fratelli Tutti (‘Brothers and Sisters All’) is available to read/download direct from the Vatican: click here. Fr Ashley, who describes the encyclical as "a major teaching document in relation to the social teaching of the Catholic Church", has written a brief initial introduction to the Pope's letter which you can read here. Fr Ashley gave a series of five talks during Lent, followed by discussions via Zoom, to discuss the encyclical further, and you can watch recordings of these on our webcam.
Parish Pledge and Gift Aid Form
Parish Pledge and Gift Aid Form
(Paper copies are available at the back of church. Please drop your completed form through the office door). If you have previously set up a standing order you do not need to complete a new form.
Data Privacy Statement
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark issued a Privacy Statement in May 2018. You can read it HERE.
Our Safeguarding Policy
Last updated October, 2018. Read it HERE.
Useful Links
Please find a selection of useful links below
Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis (Archdiocese of Southwark)
Catholic Church in England and Wales
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
Right To Life News was launched in 2020 to reach a far wider audience of people with the latest pro-life news that will keep people informed and help change even more hearts and minds on life issues. The St Patrick's Missionary Society
Beckenham Dementia Café
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - Contact the local branch by email:
Beckenham Circle of the Catenian Association
St Edmund's Church Facebook Page
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) ( Our Beckenham branch can be reached for help if you are facing hardship - please call 07789 497 482 or EMAIL US ( Your donations continue to be appreciated, posted through the Presbytery door or online to: SVP (St Edmund of Canterbury – Beckenham), 60-60-04, A/C 46076190. (Please complete a gift-aid form: click here)
Bromley Deanery Catholic Youth Ministry Project
Universalis This website publishes the readings and Gospel for Masses every day. They also have apps available, although these are not free.

Parish Schools
St. Mary’s Primary School - Our Parish School
St. Mary’s is a two-form entry Catholic Primary School situated in Beckenham; our school serves the parishes of St. Edmund’s, Beckenham, St. Mark’s, West Wickham and Our Lady of the Rosary, Hayes. For admission to Reception, 31 places are reserved for parishioners of St. Edmund’s. The school’s Section 48 inspection in February 2009 judged St. Mary’s as being ‘a warm, welcoming and inclusive community with an emphasis on teamwork’. Our staff is made up of experienced, caring teachers and teaching assistants who make learning interesting and enjoyable. For information regarding school admissions, please contact the school office on 020 8650 2355 or email. For more information, visit the school's website:
The pre-reference forms for admission to Saint Mary’s are now available. They may be obtained from one of the clergy after any Sunday Mass. They are not available from the Office. Vacancies in classes other than Reception arise from time to time. To be included on the waiting list for a place at the school, please complete the Local Authority in-year admissions form and contact the school for a supplementary information form. Visit and follow the link to admissions. Please contact the school by EMAIL or telephone 020 8650 2355 if you require further information or assistance.
Bishop Challoner School
This well-known and over-subscribed independent school was founded by Fr. Byrne, a previous Parish Priest and the Parish Priest of St. Edmund’s remains the ex-officio Chairman of Governors. There are 3 flourishing departments in the school: Nursery – boys and girls from 2 ½ yrs.; Infant and Junior – boys and girls from 6 ½ yrs.; Senior – boys and girls from 11 +, with a flourishing 6th form. The school thrives with small classes, good academic results and a friendly family atmosphere. Mass is said in the school chapel once a week by one of the Chaplains. Contact the Head teacher on 020 8460 3546, email: For more information, visit the school's website:
Catholic Secondary schools attended by parishioners include:
Coloma Convent Girls School, Addiscombe, tel. 020 8654 6228
The London Oratory, Fulham, tel. 020 7385 0102
The John Fisher School, Purley, tel 020 8660 4555
St. Joseph’s College, Beulah Hill, tel 020 8761 1426
Bonus Pastor Catholic College, Bromley, tel 020 8695 2100
Secondary School Transfer
The Pre-reference form for Catholic schools is available here. Please return completed forms to the Parish Office marked for the attention of Fr Ashley.
St. Edmund's Catechism Group
The Group prepares children at non-Catholic schools for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The course runs for two years, and children should be in Year 2 or Year 3 at school when they start. We meet monthly between 0930 and 1200 at St Mary's School, Westgate Road, usually on the second Saturday of the month. Our start-of-year Mass will be usually be in September at St Edmund's. This will be followed by registration in the hall over teas and coffees. Information about the courses will be provided by the Catechists so it is important that you attend .
Registration for the year closes in October and no further admissions will be allowed until the following year. If you have any queries , please email