The 75th anniversary of the consecration of a Catholic church is a special occasion. The consecration of a church is a significant event because it involves a sacred ceremony where the church building is dedicated to God. The consecration is a blessing that transforms the building into a holy place where Mass and other sacraments are celebrated.

Here’s a closer look at the significance of the 75th anniversary:

Historical Reflection: It marks 75 years of our church serving as a place of worship, community, and spiritual nourishment. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the history of our parish, the lives that have been touched, and the growth of the faith community over the years.

Spiritual Renewal: Anniversaries like this often serve as moments of renewal and recommitment to the mission of the church. It’s a time for parishioners to reflect on their spiritual journey, rededicate themselves to the faith, and come together to celebrate God’s presence in their lives.

Gratitude and Celebration: It’s an opportunity to express gratitude for the generations of Catholics who have worshipped, prayed, and lived their faith at St Edmund’s. The 75th anniversary is a time to honour past priests and deacons, as well as the lay community that helped sustain and build our parish.

Legacy of Faith: For Catholics, the consecration of a church is a sacred act because the church is seen as the ‘House of God.’ The anniversary is a reminder of the deep spiritual significance of the building as a place where the faithful gather to experience God’s grace through the sacraments.

Reaffirming the Role of the Church: Churches are not only places of individual worship, but they are also the centre of community life, serving as a place for education, fellowship, and outreach. This anniversary serves as a reminder of how the church has contributed to the spiritual, social, and cultural fabric of Beckenham over the decades.

Looking Forward: While the anniversary is a moment to look back with gratitude, it’s also a time to look forward to the future. What will the next 75 years hold? What new opportunities will arise for our church to serve our community and grow in faith?

In essence, this anniversary is not just about celebrating the church building itself, but about recognizing God’s continuing presence and the continuing work of the Church in the lives of us all. It’s a chance to reflect on our faith journey, celebrate past blessings, and anticipate future graces.


We will have a special Mass on Saturday 24th May 2025, presided over by Bishop Paul Hendricks, and a reception afterwards. We will need a team(s) to help decorate the Hall, to set it up and to prepare the refreshments. If anyone would like to volunteer please get in touch with Sue by EMAIL.


We would like to have a picture display in the Hall at the reception. If you have photographs of special occasions at St Edmund’s, baptisms, first holy communions, weddings, International day, social events, we would like to borrow them for a short time. We will take good care of them whilst we make a copy and return them to you quickly.

If you could identify the people in them and give a date or at least a year it would be helpful.

Please bring them to the Office or put them through the letter box.

Thank you.