The Parish Sisters are members of this world-wide Congregation, which was founded in Spain in 1877 by St. Raphaela Mary who was canonized in 1977. The Congregation continues to live in the spirit of their Foundress by daily adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, helping education at all levels, maintaining houses of prayer and Retreat Centres, as well as engaging in pastoral work and development of Missions in the Third World. In 2016 the Sisters sadly moved away from Beckenham, but we remember them for the active part they played in in Parish life for many years, in Inter-Faith and as Catechists.
Click HERE to read about the 80 years the Handmaids have had a presence in Beckenham.
Click HERE to read Fr. Ashley’s Homily from the Handmaids’ Thanksgiving and Farewell Mass in June 2016
The Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus thank all those who celebrated their Thanksgiving Mass with them last Saturday and joined them in the Hall afterwards. The Mass for the Handmaids was a wonderful, prayerful celebration of their time in Beckenham. The church was filled to capacity by a congregation who participated fully and sang with great gusto. A small choir from St Mary’s sang two pieces most beautifully. Afterwards there was a lively party in the Hall attended by many of the Handmaids’ friends, supporters and past pupils