
The next session is on Sunday 28 April in the Church Hall. It will begin at 10.45 am, after the end of the Family Mass. Download our Baptism Pack: click here. If you wish to have your child baptised please contact the Parish Office.


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Usually a priest is available for confessions in the church from 10.30 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. and between 5.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. every Saturday. We have two full penitential services every year at which priests from neighbouring parishes and beyond are invited to assist. The first is held in the season of Advent, and the other during the season of Lent in the run-up to Easter.

First Holy Communion

Our children make their First Holy Communions in May or June.

Every child wishing to make their First Holy Communion must sign up for the preparation course for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The course runs approximately twice monthly on Saturday mornings from September until the First Holy Communion Masses are celebrated.


If you live in the Parish of St Edmund’s and your child is entering Year 3 (or above) in September 2024 and you wish for them to attend the preparation course, please complete the registration form following the Apply Now button below. Registration must be made before 31th July 2024.

Who is eligible?

Children who live in St Edmund’s Parish and will be entering Year 3 (or above) in September 2024.

How much will it cost?

A charge of £35 per child is required to cover the cost of books, teaching materials and premises hire. This is to be paid at registration.

There is no question of any child being prevented from joining for financial reasons. Contact us directly, or through the Parish Office, should payment present difficulties. We will be happy to hear from you.

What if my child is yet to be baptised?

If your child has not yet been baptised, we can help you to arrange this whilst still being on this year’s First Holy Communion course. Please just make this clear, where indicated, on the registration form.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email.

The St Edmund’s First Holy Communion Catechism Team




Thank you to all of you who have signed up to join the 2022 Confirmation Preparation Classes at St Edmunds.

Due to the large numbers who have registered we are having to divide the candidates into two groups. Those currently in Year 9 or above will be prepared first and will be Confirmed in or about Pentecost this year, and those currently in Year 8 will have the opportunity to begin the course in September 2022. Everyone who has registered will receive details via email of an information evening offering guidance on how the programme is run.

The Catechism Team will use email as the primary means of communication about everything to do with the course, so please keep a look out for messages from them.

If you have any questions please EMAIL US.


St. Edmund’s is a registered place of marriage. In the Southwark Diocese couples wanting to marry in church must contact the parish priest six months ahead of their intended wedding date. This is to allow sufficient time for them to attend the obligatory Marriage Preparation Course but also to allow sufficient time for all necessary paperwork to be completed.

Our priests would prefer to be given a year to complete the paperwork and suggest that couples do not set a date for their wedding until they have first spoken to a priest.

Once you have decided to get married please email the Parish Office with your names and addresses and a preliminary marriage application form will be sent to you plus an enrolment form for the Marriage Preparation Course.

If you intend to get married at a church other than St Edmund’s our clergy is still responsible for all the paperwork.

As a growing number of our parishioners were born outside the UK we need to obtain documentation from their previous parishes. This can take some time.

There is also extra work to be completed for those who are having their ceremony abroad or for those who have had a previous marriage. So, in short, as soon as you decide to get married, please start the ball rolling by getting in touch with us.