Sunday’s Gospel: Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Today’s gospel is the account in the gospel of John (chapter 2) of Jesus cleansing the Temple. In the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) this incident comes shortly before Jesus’ arrest (and is portrayed as partly leading to it), whereas in John it takes place at the beginning of

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Daring to dream

Our first reading at Mass today is part of the story of Joseph from the concluding chapters of the book of Genesis (from chapter 37). He is resented by his brothers – first they throw him down a pit, then they sell him into slavery. He is resented for his

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A Stranger on the Road – second Lent talk today

This evening we have the second talk in our parish Lent course, focussing on the second chapter of Pope Francis’ letter ‘Fratelli Tutti’, entitled ‘A Stranger on the Road.’ Here the Holy Father reflects on Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10: 29-37. You can join the talk live

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CAFOD Lent Appeal 2021

Please watch this short appeal on behalf of CAFOD: We would normally hear an inspiring appeal from a Cafod speaker and take home a Cafod envelope to fill with the money saved by eating fugally on that day. The parishioners at St Edmund’s are always so generous to Cafod so,

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CAFOD Family Fast Day

This Friday is CAFOD Family Fast day when we urge you to give something up and donate the money to CAFOD. You can do so online – click here – where there are also reflections for the day.     ROSIE’S CHOIR TAKE UP CAFOD’S LENTEN CHALLENGE You can’t keep

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Lent Talk 1 – Fratelli Tutti

Many thanks to those who were able to join the first session of our parish Lent programme this evening. My apologies if you tried to join the Zoom session afterwards; there were technical problems which meant that no one was able to get to the waiting room, let alone beyond.

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