Applying to Catholic Primary Schools

If you are applying to a Catholic primary school you will need to download from the school website what is called a ‘SIF’, which stands for Supplementary Information Form. This needs to be signed by a priest, attesting that your child is baptised and that your family comes to Mass. Please leave these at the presbytery for me – I sign them before the cut off date in January and send or take them direct to the school.

To help us in this process you also need to complete an internal Pre-reference form. These are in the porch. Again, when you have completed it please leave it for me at the presbytery. It doesn’t go to the school; it is simply to give us the information we need. Please don’t give us originals of documents such as baptism, birth or marriage certificates as getting them returned to you is a time-consuming exercise. If there are any problems with your application we will contact you. Even if you know one of the other clergy better, we have for many years run a system where I deal with all the applications, so material should be left for me rather than my colleagues.
Fr Ashley

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