Collection for Asylum Seekers and Refugees – This Sunday, 23rd July

Our collection of items for asylum seekers and refugees in London is THIS WEEKEND – Saturday 22nd to Sunday, 23rd July.

Please make an extra effort this week to bring something to Church. Items that are needed are: dry goods, rice, instant- coffee, fruit juice, tuna, corned beef, sugar, herbs and spices, tinned tomatoes, other canned foods, cereals, oats, cooking oil and toilet paper.

(Why not make a trip to our neighbours at Sainsbury’s before or after Mass? They are open until 10pm on Saturday and from 10am to 4pm on Sunday).

Please leave your goods in the boxes in the porch and thank you in advance for your continued generosity.

Pope Francis said ‘….love and charity, are service,……..When you forget yourself and think of others, this is love!’

Book your tickets